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Wondering about insurance?
Here is some information, to help put you at ease.

Medicare, Medicaid and other pay sources:

Medicare Part A:

Medicare Part A is a comprehensive health insurance program that serves a variety of people including those 65 and older, those permanently disabled and those coping with end-stage renal disease. Part A is accessed after a 3 or more day hospital stay. If eligible for Med-A, services covered or a limited time include the room rate, nursing services, rehabilitation services, prescription medications, diagnostic services, medical equipment and supplies and laundry, housekeeping, dietary and maintenance services. Not covered by Med-A are personal services and items such as phone service, barber/beauty shop services, cable TV, clothing and toiletries.


Medicare Part B:

Medicare Part B is an optional part of the Medicare program and it covers additional services offered by the nursing facility. It is subject to an annual deductible and a 20% co-payment. 

If eligible for Med-B a portion of the following services are covered: physical, occupational, speech, and respiratory therapies, diagnostic services, durable medical equipment and some medical supplies and physician services. Medicare Part B does not cover room and board, nursing services, medications, and personal services or items.



Medicaid is a state-funded program that helps to pay the medical costs for individual s who have limited incomes and resources. Items and services covered by the Medicaid program are room and board, 24-hour skilled nursing services, dietary services, activities programming, social services, laundry, housekeeping and maintenance services. It also included transportation services, nursing supplies and prescription medications. medicaid does not cove personal items and services including cable, phone, barber/beauty shop services and toiletries.

Managed Care Contracts:

Managed Care contracts may include converge for room rates, physician services, nursing services, therapies, diagnostics services, prescriptions medications, and medical equipment and supplies. Not included in these contracts are personal expenses and items including cable, phone, barber/beauty shop services, and toiletries. Negotiations between Spring Creek and the Managed Care contractions company will occur prior to admission.


Other pay sources and insurances:

Spring Creek accepts numerous other

third-party payment sources.



Please contact our Business Office Manager with any questions you may have, she will be happy to help you!

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